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Engineering & Architectural Design

Houses. Bridges. Roadways. Towns. Cities. Our program prepares you to continue your education to become an architect or engineer.

Engineering & Architectural Design The Engineering & Architectural Design (EAD) program is designed to assist students in determining which engineering field they may want to go in to, by introducing students to various fields of engineering. 

This program covers a broad range of topics, including but not limited to the following: sketching, architectural & mechanical design, safety, engineering design, 3D modeling, etc. 

Career and college readiness is an important part of this class, students will be exposed to multiple job expectations, requirements of engineers, and will be expected to successfully perform some of these tasks. 

This program is project based and students are given the flexibility to structure their projects to their engineering interests. 

Each project has a sketching, computer and a hands-on 3D model component. 

Students have the opportunity to earn 6 college credits throughout the 2 years in this program. 

EAD 1 

The first thing you do in EAD1 is research different engineering fields that interest you, so that you can focus your projects in this area. 

We cover the following standards: architectural & mechanical, sketching, board drafting, 2D&3D CAD, 3D modeling, safety and employability skills. All projects in this class have a sketching, 2D & 3D CAD and a hands-on 3D model component to them. 

Examples of projects: Historical Building Model, Shed Design, Cabin Design, 3D Puzzle, etc… Students will either construct 3D models by hand, use the 3D printer or the Laser Engraver. 

EAD 2 

In the second year of EAD, we will study topics such as Sustainable Architecture & Building Green, Alternative Energy, Engineering Design Process, Reverse Engineering, Advanced CADD & Print Reading. 

All students in the class will conduct an Independent Study project, this is a significant project for students to focus on something of their personal interest and related to their future goals. 

During this project students will explain, demonstrate, and create a portfolio illustrating how they have met all of the standards of this program. 

The second year of this program also allows for “Live Work” jobs, which is where we work with local businesses to assist them in completing CADD projects for them. 

All projects in this class have a sketching, 2D & 3D CAD and a hands-on 3D model component to them. 

Examples of projects: Alternative Energy, Bridge & Airplane Design, Independent study project… etc Students will either construct 3D models by hand, use the 3D printer or the Laser Engraver. 

Instructor: Tami Stewart

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